Speaker Guidelines

We are pleased to welcome you as a presenter at ECHD-2024. We look dynamic researchers to share their quality research and knowledge in this platform.

All presentations and questions from the audience and answers must be in English. There will be a podium from where presentations will be presented; the session chair will invite speakers up to the podium at the appropriate time.

Before attending the ECHD-2024 we recommend you to take a few minutes to read the following guidelines.

  • Oral presentations are always accompanied by presentations projected on the screen in the Conference Room.
  • We recommend you to provide particular attention to the Power Point Presentation.
  • Plan your presentation carefully.
  • Your effort in producing your PowerPoint presentation will be wasted if your audience cannot read it.
  • Keep your audience fully engaged by speaking to them directly.
  • Speakers are solely responsible for the content of the presentation.
  • We recommend the speakers to provide a professional quality presentation (Powerpoint Format Guidelines are as listed below).
  • Introduce your topic and inform your audience what you intend to speak about
  • Speakers should provide an electronic form of the presentation to the conference attendees before the conference begins.
  • Co-ordinate each phase of your lecture with your PowerPoint™ slides.
  • Please make sure that presenting slides are readable. 24pt and up type is usually safe and readable.
  • Use several slides to cover a detailed topic that cannot be logically included on one slide.
  • If you must refer to one slide on several occasions during your presentation, use duplicates instead of trying to return to the original.
  • Presenting slides with lots of builds take more time than a slide with no builds.
  • Boldface text carries more weight
  • Avoid unfamiliar abbreviations or expressions in the slides or during the speech.
  • Optimize the visual simplicity of your slides – use few words and avoid sentences.
  • Keep the number of slides to a minimum and follow the assigned presentation slots.
  • Better to have more slides with less information on each slide, than fewer more detailed slides, but keep your time schedule in mind.
  • Bring a text prepared specifically for the oral presentation.
  • Edit titles and long sentences to fit into only one line.
  • Deliver your talk, including the methods, results and conclusions.
  • To coin a phrase, graphs often speak louder than words.
  • Summarize for your audience the most important points of your lecture.
  • A maximum of seven words per line and seven lines per slide will improve the communication value of your slide.
  • Speak slowly and clearly in accordance with the slide’s sequence. Not all attendees are English native speakers.
  • Discuss the material as written on the slide.
  • Use a laser pointer to guide the audience. Do not wave the pointer around the slide
  • The session chair will manage the talks in the session and it is responsible for keeping speakers on track.
  • Please stop when signaled to do so by the Chair.
  • Speakers should stick to the time allocated for their presentation.
  • Practice your presentation in advance and ensure that you stay in time.
  • We recommend the speakers to check our conference web site for the total time allotted to their talk.
  • Do not get upset if the session chair stops you if you exceed your time limit.
  • Question periods, thanks and acknowledgement of the speakers will take place during the session or after completion of the session, so please stay until the session ends.
  • Personal laptops should not be used unless under unavoidable conditions.
  • No videos will be recorded.
  • Avoid any type of advertisement in your presentation.

Meeting the Sessions Chair

  • Each session has session chair coordinating the session and introducing you to the audience.
  • You can provide your name and other information about yourself that may be used by session chair to introduce you. (e.g., how to pronounce your name, institution and current position).
  • Please check our final program to find the name of your session chair.
  • Before the meeting, do not hesitate to contact your chairperson(s) for any questions regarding your session/presentation
  • Meet your session chair at least 15 minutes before the beginning of your session.

Presentation Format

  • Presentations to be prepared in Microsoft Power point PPT.doc or PPT.docx.
  • Use Microsoft PowerPoint™ version 2010.
  • Please ensure your files are PC-compatible.
  • Video files must be integrated in your PowerPoint™ presentation.
  • For PowerPoint™ slides, a coloured background usually works better than black and white. However, colours should be kept limited and simple. Light text on dark background or vice versa
  • Use colour with purpose, not as decoration.
  • Do not use footnotes.
  • Try not to use more than 6-7 bullet points per slide.
  • Number the sheets at the bottom of the page, and have them in proper order and position.
  • Leave out text you do not plan to discuss.
  • Please specify the file name as “conference abbreviation _ Speaker’s surname” (e.g. PHH2020_Mayer.ppt).
  • Please bring a USB with your presentation to the technician at the Conference Room at least 2 hours the start of the session during which you will give your presentation.
  • The conference room will be equipped with a projector, screen, laptop computer and microphones for your use. Technical support will be provided.
  • The technician will help you to upload your presentation to the internal network. You will also be able to review your presentation and to verify that it has been transferred correctly to the network.
  • Give the technician any special instructions you may have before, not during the talk.

Note: There will be no time extensions for your talk if you encounter technical difficulties.

Note: If you have changes after the deadline or need to make changes onsite, please bring a copy on a thumb drive to the speakers’ preview room.

Note: send you presentations in advance (prior to the conference).